Hemingway's Contemporaries

Hemingway and Fitzgerald
 F. Scott Fitzgerald, American author (1896-1940), who write the masterpiece The Great Gatsby (1925), which has been victim of numerous film adaptations. The most famous starring Robert Redford and Mia Farrow (1974), and the most recent directed by Baz Luhrman and starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Carey Mulligan (2012).
Fitzgerald also authored many short stories. Among them is The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (1922), which David Fincher made into a film starring Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett (2009).

Pablo Picasso, Spanish sculptor, painter, and set designer (1881-1963)who cofounded Cubism together with the French painter George Bracque (1882-1963). 
Both Dali and Picasso deeply inspired Hemingway and they were all part of the expatriate crowd in Paris during the inter-war period.

Picasso's portrait of Stein
Gertrude Stein, American writer (1874-1948), who coined the generation as The Lost Generation. Her autobiography, The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas (1933), is written from her lesbian life partner, Alice Toklas's, point of view.

Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter (1904-1989).

John Dos Passos, American Author (1889-1970), who wrote the U.S.A. Trilogy, which consists of the three books: 42 Parallel (1930), Nineteen Nineteen (1932), and the his perhaps most famous book, The Big Money (1936).

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